วามเช่ือมัน่ 99% โดยใช้ ขอ้มูลยอ้นหลงั 1 ปี (2) ปรับค่า VaR ดว้ย scaling factor โดยค่า VaR ภายหลงัปรับดว้ย scaling factor แลว้ มีค่าสูงสุด ไม่เกิน 100% (3) จดักลุ่มค่าความเส่ียง 5 กลุ่ม คือ 20%, 30%, 50
option. Swiss Re Institute **** McKinsey (2022) The net-zero transition: What it would cost, what it could bring ***** OECD (2021) Facilitating the green transition for ASEAN SMEs ****** ADB (2023) Scaling
to Web 3 - Forming Your Perspective on Crypto - Scaling Crypto Application: The Future of Payments - DeFi and the Future of Finance - NFTs: The Future of Digital Platforms and the Metaverse 2 ชื่อ
: Resolution of the Board of Directors' Meeting No. 12/2561 Adjustment of the Exercise Ratio by adjusting Number of ORI-W1 and approval of the asset acquisition transaction of the company and subsidiary
in blue. No. ORI 94/2018 10 November 2018 Subject: Resolution of the Board of Directors' Meeting No. 12/2561 Adjustment of the Exercise Ratio by adjusting Number of ORI-W1 and approval of the asset
251.9 million baht the same period last year, decreased 85.1 million baht or 33.8 percent from adjusting production cost of Post Today and M2F newspapers. Consolidated selling expenses for the second
in the amount of 15.97 million baht or 5.47 percent as a result of the company adjusting the marketing policy to expand the market share by adjusting the sales price decreased And increased trade
in the amount of 15.97 million baht or 5.47 percent as a result of the company adjusting the marketing policy to expand the market share by adjusting the sales price decreased And increased trade
Baht 292.12 million in the amount of Baht 37 million or a from decrease of 11.24 percent as a result of the Company's marketing policy to expand its market share. (Market Share) by adjusting the price
million due to changed in collateral. The Company was adjusting in available-for-sales to market price at amount of Baht 58.39 million. The subsidiaries’ property, plant and equipment increased by Baht