microfinance • Food security and sustainable food systems (e.g. physical, social, and economic access to safe, nutritious, and sufficient food that meets dietary needs and requirements; resilient agricultural
economic access to safe, nutritious, and sufficient food that meets dietary needs and requirements; resilient agricultural practices; reduction of food loss and waste; and improved productivity of small
support in this space possible. • With that, let me close by acknowledging this exciting milestone as part of Thailand’s journey towards realizing a resilient and sustainable growth trajectory. • Thank you!
hazards to which the infrastructure will be exposed and vulnerable to over its operating life 3. Sufficiently mitigate risks identified that the infrastructure is resilient to climate change conditions over
various channels, thus ensuring that electronic financial services provided by financial institutions, including commercial banks, are effectively resilient to cyberattacks. 2. Unemployment and
Development of youth potential as well as pursuit of environmental, public, and social activities Fairness of labor relations management and development of employee skills, knowledge and welfare Respect for
climate change adaptation in 2021 version: “including efforts to make infrastructure more resilient to impacts of climate change” • “Eco-efficient and/or circular economy adapted products production
AIGCC 2 3 Vision & Mission Vision: A climate resilient economy that is on track by 2030 for a net zero emissions global economy by 2050. Mission: To connect, collaborate and advocate for and on behalf of
with the needs of people and communities; and 2) Inclusive in approach: striving to contribute to a resilient and just society, ensuring dignity and respect for all people and communities, while
long term, especially during the transition to a low-carbon economy for a climate-resilient future. Climate change-induced natural disasters have become more frequent and intense. Aside from direct