such shorter period that the issuer has been in operation, including name, country of incorporation or residence, proportion of ownership interest and, if different, proportion of voting power held. 5 F
issuer has been in operation, including name, country of incorporation or residence, proportion of ownership interest and, if different, proportion of voting power held. F. Patents, Licenses or Contracts
the two most recent completed financial years or such shorter period that the issuer has been in operation, including name, country of incorporation or residence, proportion of ownership interest and
จําเปนตองตรวจสอบโดยผูสอบบัญชี แตตองรับรองความถูกตอง ของขอมูลโดยบุคคลที่ 3 เชน ที่ปรึกษาทางการเงิน เปนตน 2. ขอมูลท่ีเปดเผยตามขอกําหนดของประเทศที่เสนอขาย (host country) แมการจัดทํา ASEAN
most recent completed financial years, including name, country of incorporation or residence, proportion of ownership interest and, if different, proportion of voting power held. F. Patents, licenses or
Statement for Thai-incorporated Company to offer for sale of securities in Thailand and ASEAN member country simultaneously or in proximate period (ชือ่บรษัิททีเ่สนอขายหลักทรัพย)์ (Commercial Name of the
แบบแสดงรายการขอมูลการเสนอขายตราสารหน้ี (รายครั้ง) (แบบ 69-DEBT-PO-GOV.AGENCY) บริษัท........... (ช่ือไทย/อังกฤษของผูเสนอขายตราสารหน้ี) ............. เสนอขาย ......................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................
developer that has a long history of success and business experience over 60 years in Asia and many country in the world such as Japan, China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, USA and Australia, and one of top 3 developer
of 265 million Baht, decreased by 42% or by 191 million Baht due to the absence of specific business tax and residence transfer expense. In 3Q 2019, the Company had a total finance costs of 219 million
from starting transferred 16 units of Veranda Residence Hua Hin project in Q1/2020 which accounted for 7.8 % of the project value. • Revenue from hotel operations decreased by 135 million baht or