. Since the transaction size is less than 15%, therefore, the Company has no obligation to report and disclose the transaction, and not oblige to obtain the resolution from shareholders. However, the
representative office in the Kingdom shall obtain an approval from the Office. The representative under the first paragraph shall undertake only those businesses specified in the approval. The provisions of
and 11.47 million baht, respectively. It increase 65.22 million baht or 568.61 % when compared with Q3 / 2019 the reason is that the company has increased sales, profitable on exchange rates compared to
by 20 January 2025. The auditor expressed a qualified opinion on NRF’s interim financial statements for the third quarter of 2024 because the auditor was unable to obtain sufficient, appropriate audit
or through mutual agreements. The chapter also supports stakeholders’ access to information on a timely and regular basis and their rights to obtain redress for violations of their rights. V
2.1.3 inappropriate/insufficient disclosure of information (paragraph........). ฆ 2.2 Inability to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence and the possible effects are material, but not pervasive
offering price is determined by the shareholders’ meeting of the Company, the Company is required to obtain approvals not only from the EGM but also from the Office of the Security and Exchange Commission
December 3, 2018 ago. The company would like to inform the progress of the remaining investment payment. To obtain the project to produce and sell tap water as follows: At present, on December 25, 2018, the
’ qualified opinions resulted from limitation on their scope of audit/review. Hence, the auditors were unable to obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence with respect to valuation of investment in PT
due to limitation on scope of audit imposed by the company management. The auditor was thus unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence in relation to investment in Smart Traffic Co., Ltd