order to terminate the mediation, as the case may be, and then the parties shall enter into the arbitral process organized by the Office. Chapter IV Appointment and Challenge of Arbitrator
order to terminate the mediation, as the case may be, and then the parties shall enter into the arbitral process organized by the Office. Chapter IV Appointment and Challenge of Arbitrator
investors ready to unlock green investments in Thailand. • With climate change the defining challenge of our time, the world must quickly ramp-up funding for sustainable and green investments. This is why
share through Aeroklas Co., Ltd. (“ARK”)), had signed on share sale agreement to acquires with 100% of Flexiglass Challenge Pty. Ltd. (Flexiglass), from Fleetwood Corporation Limited (Fleetwood) at
, equivalent to 47.9% and 2.4% respective of the total liabilities. The increase for long term loan in the year 2019 comes from the Company has received loans from a financial institution. Shareholder’s equity
เทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศ (IT) Phase 2 13,600,000 13,570,000 21 โครงการประกวดผลงานนวัตกรรมทางการเงิน (FinTech Challenge) 3,750,000 2,730,372 22 การรักษาความม่ันคงปลอดภัยไซเบอร์ (Cyber Security) 3,384,500 1,374,320 23
...................................................................................................................................... 3 2 Leveraging climate bonds to develop low carbon transport infrastructure .................................... 4 2.1 The scale of the challenge
Reform Priorities in Asia: Taking Corporate Governance to a Higher Level Taking Corporate Governance to a Higher Level reform priorities in Asia 2011 REFORM PRIORITIES IN ASIA: TAKING CORPORATE GOVERNANCE TO A HIGHER LEVEL 2011 This work is published on the responsibility of the Secretary-General of the OECD. The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views of the Organisation or of the governments of its member countries. This document and any m...
ยละ 100 ของทนุจดทะเบยีน ARKAU) ไดเ้ขา้ลง นามในสญัญาซือ้หุน้ของ Flexiglass Challenge Pty. Ltd. (Flexiglass) ในสดัสว่นรอ้ยละ 100 ของ Flexiglass กบั Fleetwood Corporation Limited (Fleetwood) ในราคาประมาณ 7
เก่ียวขอ้ง เช่น - การเขา้โครงการ Accelerator, Incubator - การเขา้โครงการ FinTech Challenge - อื่น ๆ (โปรดระบุ) สมาชิกในเครือข่าย หรือความร่วมมือ กบัองคก์รต่าง ๆ ท่ีเก่ียวขอ้งกบั area ในการทดสอบ 2 A. ข้อ