Rules, Conditions and Procedures for Filing of Annual Financial Statements and Preparation of Reports of the Stock Exchange of Thailand
Offering for Sale of Certificates Representing Interest from Underlying Securities by the Subsidiary of the Stock Exchange of Thailand
Draft Prospectus and Reporting of the Sale of Non-Voting Depository Receipt by the Subsidiary Company of the Stock Exchange of Thailand (No. 2)
Investment in Unit of Real Estate Investment Trust
Rules for Being Settlor and Trustee of Real Estate Investment Trust
Issuance and Offer for Sale regarding Units of Real Estate Investment Trust
Issuance and Offer for Sale regarding Units of Real Estate Investment Trust (No. 3)
Regulations relating to Conflict of Interest with Real Estate Investment Trust
Provisions relating to Particulars, Terms and Conditions in a Trust Instrument of Real Estate Investment Trust
Issuance and Offer for Sale regarding Units of Real Estate Investment Trust