) business to boost liquidity in debt instrument trading ● Revised rules on securities underwriting to increase transparency in information disclosure for investors and to enhance flexibility to businesses
changing international accounting principles. In developing market infrastructure to enhance local players' competitiveness on the global arena, the SEC encouraged securities companies to initiate novel
( 29 ) aspx ( 17 ) Microsoft Excel ( 4 ) Microsoft Word X ( 1 ) More >> real estate OR "simulated real estate" OR "simulated genuine" OR "simulated
increase engagement and representation of a broader range of market participants such as investment management companies, listed firms, institutions or associations whose main focuses are investor education
have been achieved. The capital market has developed and gone through a major turnaround in support of the country’s economic revival and sustained growth. Such advancement was reflected in the increase
) Microsoft Excel ( 6 ) php ( 3 ) More >> property OR "virtual property" OR "digital real estate" OR "digital asset" OR "simulated real estate" OR
as the reform of market institutions and infrastructure to enhance their effectiveness and efficiency. Furthermore, the Plan gives high priority to the systematic promotion of good governance in all
increase or 178.26 points higher than the 2006 Index which closed at 679.84. Throughout the year we accomplished our endeavors to develop the capital market to its next level of growth potential. We launched
) Microsoft Word X ( 7 ) Microsoft Excel ( 6 ) php ( 3 ) ดูเพิ่มเติม >> property OR "virtual property" OR "digital real estate" OR "digital asset" OR
) Microsoft Excel ( 6 ) php ( 3 ) More >> property OR "virtual property" OR "digital real estate" OR "digital asset" OR "simulated real estate" OR