. Assets increased primarily from the acquisition of the acorna hotel portfolio and Noble Ploenchit office building, however this was offset by the sale of Mo Chit Land, and largely from the appreciation of
by 0.4% or THB 228mn from 31 December 2018. The increase was from the acquisition of arcona Hotel Portfolio and Noble Ploenchit Commercial Building, partly offset by an impact of currency translation
Noble JV, (ii) THB 37mn share of loss from UBM JV, and (iii) THB 22mn share of loss in other associates/JVs. Finance costs were THB 291mn, increasing by THB 90mn, or 44.7% YoY. The increase stemmed from
, Noble Ploenchit, that generated revenue of approximately THB 15mn per quarter since June 2019 as well as the Underwood Street office building in UK which contributed revenue of THB 3mn in this quarter
% 93.6% 4Q 18 1Q 19 2Q 19 3Q 19 4Q 19 Gracechurch Underwood TST Tower Noble Comm. Bldg OCC% 5,328 3,581 1,415 10,324 2563 2564 2565 รวม TST TOWER Underwood Noble Comm. Bldg. Gracechurch (หน่วย: ตำรำงเมตร
ICO, the SEC would like to further raise the following issues for public consultation. Please note that our public consultation will be extended to December 15, 2017. To send your comments and
” submitted to the SET on 6 th October 2017. 2. In July 2017, the government has announced a continuation of tax incentive program (Royal Decree 642) similar to last year. The investment in assets during the
62 ไตรมาส 2 ปี 62 ไตรมาส 3 ปี 62 Gracechurch Underwood TST Tower Noble Comm. Bldg OCC% 6,446 5,984 3,434 1,228 17,092 2562 2563 2564 2565 รวม ค ำอธิบำยและวิเครำะหฐ์ำนะทำงกำรเงินและผลกำรด ำเนินงำนประจ ำ
payment will come due by April of each year. Tax collection will be based on the property’s appraised value. The actual tax rates will be subject to a royal decree to be announced later, whereas the maximum
Royal Joint Venture Company Limited, which sells arms, aircraft, warships, including spare parts Radar and signaling devices of said items to government agencies, juristic persons and individuals. The