สำนักงาน ได้ภายในวันที่กำหนดข้างต้น (เช่น กรรมการอยู่ในต่างประเทศ) ผู้ยื่นแบบ filing สามารถให้กรรมการรายดังกล่าวใช้วิธีลงนามในเอกสารรับรอง ความถูกต้องของแบบ filing ด้วยหมึก (wet ink) และจัดทำเป็นเอกสารภาพ
Microsoft Word - E-0075 (Translation) No. CK-17-0000-PO-L-0075 November 15, 2017 Re: Notification of Cancellation and/or Suspension of Land Purchase under the Resolution of the Board of Directors
Share Purchase Agreement with respect to the share purchase transaction of Glow Energy Public Company Limited Attention: President Stock Exchange of Thailand Reference is made to the Information
Section 102 Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 Section 102. The lending of money for the purchase, sale or exchange of securities by a securities company shall be in accordance with the rules
Page 1 of 2 Ref. GEL.CS.012/2561 25th April 2018 Subject: The disposition of warrants to purchase common stock of Millcon Steel Public Company Limited No.4 (MILL-W4) To: President The Stock Exchange
Page 1 of 2 Ref. GEL.CS.003/2561 27th February 2018 Subject: The disposition of warrants to purchase common stock of Millcon Steel Public Company Limited No.3 (MILL-W3) To: Director and Manager The
rights, construct, purchase, provide, sell, dispose, rent lease, hire purchase, grant of hire purchase, borrow, lend accept pledge, accept mortgage, exchange, transfer, accept transfer, or take any action
in Indo Rama Synthetics (India) Limited Reference is made to the disclosure made by Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (“IVL”) on January 15, 2019 regarding the purchase of 83,000,000 newly
interest of Baht 8,304,246.58. The Company agreed to dispose the rights under the Loan Agreement, the Pledge Agreement and the MOU to the 2 purchasers, i.e. Mr. Khomwit Boontumrongkit at the purchase price
, held on June 30th of 2017, is to approve of The Company entering into the Share Purchase and Debt Agreement; to sell shares and debts in V.O. Net Biodiesel Company Limited (“VON”) to Vintage Engineering