a failure to perform duties with responsibility, due care and loyalty for the best interest of the company, which causes damage to the company or creates benefits for oneself or others. In this regard
a failure to perform duties with responsibility, due care and loyalty for the best interest of the company, which causes damage to the company or creates benefits for oneself or others. In this regard
Implemented or above for 35 out of 37 Principles. Such notable progress can be summarized into three main groups: (1) New Principles for the SEC, (2) Principles with significant improvements, and (3) Principles
Implemented or above for 35 out of 37 Principles. Such notable progress can be summarized into three main groups: (1) New Principles for the SEC, (2) Principles with significant improvements, and (3) Principles
ท้นัเวลา โดยคณะกรรมการตอ้งยดึมัน่ต่อการปฏิบติัหนา้ท่ี ดว้ยหลกัความระมดัระวงั (duty of care) ดว้ยทกัษะ (skill) และดว้ยความซ่ือสัตยสุ์จริต (duty of loyalty) 15 แนวทางปฏิบัติ 3.2.1 การด าเนินการประชุม (1