the securities offering registration statement and draft prospectus ("filing"). In this regard, one of the conditions for termination of the debenture holder representative's duties which
registration statement and draft prospectus ("filing"). In this regard, one of the conditions for termination of the debenture holder representative's duties which appears in a draft agreement
offering registration statement and draft prospectus ("filing"). In this regard, one of the conditions for termination of the debenture holder representative's duties which appears in a draft
Mr. Monai Mettkaruchit Mr. Monai Mettkaruchit offer for selling the shares of Advance web service public company limited to the public without filing the registration statement and the draft
statement and draft prospectus submitted to the SEC Office during the period between 2021 and 2022. Regarding the registration statement and draft prospectus, STARK disclosed the financial statements for the
and the draft prospectus with the SEC Office. This case is in the process of inquiry by the inquiry official. SEC Act S.65 in conjunction with Section 86 of the Penal Code Criminal Complaint Filed
the draft prospectus with the SEC Office. This case is in the process of inquiry by the inquiry official. SEC Act S.65 in conjunction with Section 86 of the Penal Code Criminal Complaint Filed with
at the Millennium Hilton Bangkok without filing the registration statement and the draft prospectus with the SEC Office. This case is under consideration of the public prosecutor. SEC Act S.65
statement and the draft prospectus to Shareholders' Meeting. SEC Act S.35 Settlement Committee Meeting No. 6/2023 Settlement Committee Order No. 59/2023 Dated 21/06/2023
and the draft prospectus with the SEC Office. Mr. Pairat Sampaothong failed to comply with the order of the Settlement Committee, the SEC therefore filed a criminal complaint against him with the