> Financial Reporting and Audit Oversight > Related Web Links Regulations SHARE : Detail Content Financial reporting and audit oversight Related Web Link The Federation of Accounting Professions (TFAC
effort towards encouraging and supporting Thailand Federation of Accounting Professions in prescribing accounting professional standards to be in line with the international, both the development of
offences: ● dishonest acts in relation to accounting professions; ● an offence regarding documents or accounts as specified, for example, by Section 312 of the Securities and
attach to the audit firm equipped with audit quality control system. These efforts will support the Thai capital market and Thai accounting professions to gain more investor confidence, both domestic and
financial statements of companies issuing securities through the capital market be in conformity with the accounting standards and the TFRSs as prescribed by the Thailand Federation of Accounting Professions
professional code of ethics, regulations under the law governing accounting professions, and other additional regulations prescribed by the law governing securities and exchange, preparing a summary of types of
professions, and other additional regulations prescribed by the law governing securities and exchange, preparing a summary of types of auditor's opinion in a specified form Form 61-4F , and providing
follows: Participation in training courses or seminars organized by the agencies recognized by the Federation of Accountant Professions as countable hours for attending a course for continuing