securities’ proceeding to solve a problem. (4) proceed with the complaint in Clause 3 and Clause 4; (5) store evidentiary documentation involving the complaint and proceeding for no less than two years from
and understand the structure, roles, duties and responsibilities of each unit in the organisation. In this regard, units should be arranged in accordance with such organisational chart. 2. There should
cause damage, or not having any behavior which indicates an ongoing financial problem, including having no reasonable ground to believe that there is a shortcoming or unsuitability encompassing business
ละเอียดลูกหนี้ที่มีปัญหา (problem loans) ทั้งบัญชี cash และ margin 5.1 มูลหนี้รวม ............................................. ล้านบาท 5.2 จำนวนราย .............................................. ราย 5.3
), or international standards issued by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) in case the FAP has yet to issue or amend its standards to be in line with such international standards
between the period, and in case of deposits in the financial institution having position or business operation problem, it shall disclose such amount of cash. 4.3 Investments in debt and net equity
accordance with the Licensing Manual for the Public: (1) offering innovative financial services that facilitate problem solving or develop services in the Thai capital market or benefit Thai investors or the
evidentiary documentation in accordance with the Licensing Manual for the Public: (1) offering innovative financial services that facilitate problem solving or develop services in the Thai capital market or
operational system; · determine the event or priority of violent of problem ; · determine for solving the problem in detail; · determine the responsible officer and authorize person and having name list and
established under following Notifications: (1) Notification of the Securities and Exchange Commission on Rules, Conditions and Procedures on Establishment and Management of Property Fund to Solve the Problem in