) Positively related Negatively related Observable factorsExercise price (K) Negatively related Positively related Time to expiration (T) Positively related Positively related* Volatility (𝝈) Positively related
This paper investigates if risk seeking investors substitute gambling activities for stock markets participation when volatility increases in stock markets. Using a large cross-section dataset of 20
ไดรบัอนุญาต ตองจัดใหมีการเปดเผยขอมูลเพื่อเปรียบเทียบคาความผันผวนแฝง (implied volatility) กับคาความผันผวนในอดีต (historical volatility) บน website ของผูออก DW โดยเปนการเปดเผย อยางตอเนื่อง
เปดเผยสูตรการคํานวณราคา และ factor ที่ใชในการคํานวณตาม แนวทางที่ IB club กําหนด เห็นดวยตามหลักการที่เสนอ - 2. การเปดเผยขอมูล historical volatility ไวในแบบ filing ไมเห็นดวยเน่ืองจากขอมูลดังกล
lower current account 2) Central bank monetary policy - gradual tightening of monetary policy could help ease pressure on Thai Baht. However, over- tightening could lead to rise in Thai money market rates
lower current account 2) Central bank monetary policy - gradual tightening of monetary policy could help ease pressure on Thai Baht. However, over- tightening could lead to rise in Thai money market rates
Slide 1 Determinants of Return and Volatility Spillovers in the International Equity Markets Yuthana Sethapramote, Ph.D. Graduate School of Development Economics National Institute of Development
effectiveness of pandemic control and vaccine development, the economic damage may be worse than what was seen during the 1997 financial crisis. Given volatility in the financial market and real sector which had
million, to hedge against exchange rate volatility for its investment in the Wind Power Plant project in the Philippines and the Geothermal Power Plant project in Indonesia. However, due to the appreciating
volatility, after losses, results in ex-post good outcomes? Unclear why the difference in individuals’ risk-aversion level should have an impact on the empirical results of realization effect? Compare with