AIA INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT (THAILAND) LIMITED| | Offering Date : 25/03/2022 - 05/04/2022
AIA INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT (THAILAND) LIMITED| | Offering Date : 25/03/2022 - 05/04/2022
AIA INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT (THAILAND) LIMITED| | Offering Date : 25/03/2022 - 05/04/2022
Bangkok, February 18, 2013 ? The SEC and the Thai Listed Companies Association (TLCA) hosted the ?SEC for CEO Forum? project to strengthen relationships and increase communication channels for knowledge sharing among listed company executives, SEC executives, as well as experts from both the public and the private sectors. Vorapol Socatiyanurak, SEC Secretary-General said that ?The ?SEC for CEO Forum? project was initiated to serve as a platform for CEOs of listed companies, SEC executives and...
Bangkok, September 24, 2012 ? CFA Institute in cooperation with the SEC and CFA Society Thailand will host an international event ?Thailand Investment Conference? on 5th October, 2012 at Conrad
Bangkok, September 24, 2012 ? CFA Institute in cooperation with the SEC and CFA Society Thailand will host an international event ?Thailand Investment Conference? on 5th October, 2012 at Conrad
The webinar aimed to equip professionals in the Thai capital market with a fundamental understanding of ESG factors and the knowledge of how to provide ESG-related services to their clients, as well as updates on trends and the impact of changes in the industry. Also featured was a case study on integrating ESG criteria into investment analysis and investment decision making, which investment analysts and fund managers can apply to their work. ESG, in essence, is a mechanism for developing a sus...
จําเปนตองตรวจสอบโดยผูสอบบัญชี แตตองรับรองความถูกตอง ของขอมูลโดยบุคคลที่ 3 เชน ที่ปรึกษาทางการเงิน เปนตน 2. ขอมูลท่ีเปดเผยตามขอกําหนดของประเทศที่เสนอขาย (host country) แมการจัดทํา ASEAN
investor access to information prepared by professionals with understanding of foreign products for investment decision-making. With respect to movement to a host country, professionals approved by the
public offerings from the home country will be eligible for public offerings in the host country under the HK-TH MRF if the mutual fund complies with the relevant qualification requirements of the home