securities trading still need technology in decreasing the cost in multiple aspects, to increase the potential and help Thai capital market to have the competitiveness potential, and attract both domestic
Bangkok, March 16, 2016 ? The Criminal Fining Committee has fined Somyos Anantaprayoon for dessiminating news that may have led other persons to understand that the share price of WHA Corporation Plc. (WHA) would rise or fall, and such information had not been disclosed to the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET).Following a referral from the SET and the SEC?s further inspection, it was found that Somyos, then Chairman, CEO and a major shareholder of WHA, had released news to the public through two...
“A study of potential factor investing strategy from ESG score and intangible capital in Thailand” “A study of potential factor investing strategy from ESG score and intangible capital in Thailand
คำขอลงทะเบียน/เปลี่ยนแปลงข้อมูล/เพิกถอนผู้บริหารบัญชีผู้ใช้งาน (account administrator)
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Preparation of Report on Changes to the Securities and Derivatives Holding of Director, Executive, Auditor, Plan Preparer and Plan Administrator
Preparation of Report on Changes to the Securities and Derivatives Holding of Director, Executive, Auditor, Plan Preparer and Plan Administrator
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as Practice Indicators in the Standards. The SDG Impact Steering Group, chaired by the UNDP Administrator, Achim Steiner, comprises global champions and thought leaders from finance and industry from