and adequately throughout the period of participating in the regulatory sandbox ; (b) assessing and managing potential risks from service provision; (c) having procedures for communicating and providing
service provision appropriately and adequately throughout the period of participating in the regulatory sandbox ; (b) assessing and managing potential risks from service provision; (c) having procedures for
show the possibility of providing innovative financial services, including the research results on potential risks from the regulatory sandbox ; (8) having no record of violating or failing to comply
research results that show the possibility of providing innovative financial services, including the research results on potential risks from the experiment; (6) having no record of violating or failing to
potential, and the names of competitors (only in the case of duopoly or oligopoly). 2.3 Procurement of products or services (a) Describe an overall procedure for procuring products for sale during the past
potential conflict of interest, disclose the upcoming related party transactions; * The guidelines for disclosure of the use of proceeds shall be in accordance with the Disclosure Guidelines for the
appropriate for the investment of the general investors and having the potential to generate income to the fund continuously; 2. being supported by documents evidencing the ownership or rights or agreements
on risks and possibility of major operational disruptions due to a possible emergency incident, as well as analyse a business impact and assess damages from major operational disruptions, so that
credit rating agency from the possibility for the bank to receive financial support from the Government, if in need. Clause 7/3 3 To select credit rating information under clause 7/2, derivatives broker
referenced evidence in making investment decision; (4) Potential investment risks are managed when making investment decision. The investment shall be done reasonably and appropriate to the fund at a