Non-retail Scheme เอกสารรับฟงความคิดเห็น คร้ังท่ี 2 เร่ือง การอนุญาตใหจัดตั้งและจัดการกองทุนรวมโครงสรางพื้นฐาน (infrastructure fund) จัดทําโดย สํานักงานคณะกรรมการกํากับหลักทรัพยและตลาดหลักทรัพย
“A study of potential factor investing strategy from ESG score and intangible capital in Thailand” “A study of potential factor investing strategy from ESG score and intangible capital in Thailand
: Fifth set of standards based on SDG Impact Standards and relevant ISO Standards PHASE 2: ASSURANCE SCHEME PHASE 3: SDG IMPACT SEAL Independent Scheme Manager ISO conformity assessments based on: 17065
shall be filed by the fund committee with the registrar. Clause 2 For the pension plan’s proceeds established in accordance with the Ministerial Regulation No. 162 (B.E. 2526) promulgated under the
: __________________________________ __________________________________________ (full name) __________________________________________ (company) Name of foreign collective investment scheme (CIS): Type of arrangement: ASEAN
maintain as the leader of online top-up machines market, both in terms of number of kiosks and total usage amount. The Company's strategy continues to focus on the efficiency of Boonterm kiosk spot as well
Ratio ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations BAU Business-as-usual BUR4 Thailand’s Fourth Biennial Update Report CBI Climate Bonds Initiative CCMP Climate Change Master Plan (2015-2050) CSP
. 41/2555 Re: Rules, Conditions and Procedures for Trading of Units of Foreign Collective Investment Scheme to Institutional or High Net Worth Investor By virtue of Section 16/6 and Section 113 of the
properly communicating its transition strategy or greenwashing? Physical Risk • How susceptible are the company’s value chain, including its supply chain, its own operations, and its customers, to chronic
development strategy, aimed at restructuring and revitalizing the Thai economy. “ Creating an Inclusive Environment” In 2017, the Royal Thai Government initiated the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) to be an