Investors 30,722.08 Individuals 8,519.57 Juristic Persons 30,938.83 2.Foreign Investors Foreign Investors 50.00 Institutions 50.00 High Net Worth Investors 00.00 Individuals 00.00 Juristic Persons 00.00 2
; - Experts are available, if needed; - Individuals meeting the criteria and eligibility requirements to perform engagement quality review are available, where applicable; - Intellectual resources are available
or part- time auditors and individuals in the service delivery center) If yes, please describe. 2 How does the firm determine staffing requirements and minimum qualifications for each position? (full
firm? If yes, Is the center: (a) Personnel within the firm? (b) Individuals from a network firm? What audit procedures are assigned? _x000D_&1#&"Tahoma"&12&KC0C0C0 SEC Classification : ใช้ภายใน (Internal
support of its quality management policies and procedures. B13 Do the individual or individuals assigned operational responsibility for the firm’s QM system by the firm leadership have sufficient and