SEC together with FETCO share a common view to enhance FETCO position to “The Capital Market Federation of Thailand” which would have legal status as a “juristic person” like other federations in
According to the information from the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) and SEC’s further investigation, it was found that from 25 July to 9 August 2017 (a total of 11 business days) Surin had been continuously trading PICO’s shares in his four securities trading accounts, that is, he submitted trading orders in a manner to drive up the share price by submitting a large number of trading orders. As a result, the price and trading volume of PICO’s shares were not in a normal market conditio...
diversification through sophisticated strategies and innovative financial instruments. All facts, opinions and suggestions garnered from the survey will be taken into account in determining appropriate
(1) the changing IT usage in business practices, (2) the increasingly sophisticated technical approaches and mechanisms of cyber threats, (3) the revisions to preventive measures for addressing
person having shareholders? equity at the minimum of 100 million baht or securities investment at the minimum of 20 million baht.As AI is deemed sophisticated investors with higher risk-taking capability
on their behalf by those agents. As sophisticated investors with influence, often including voting rights, institutional
exemption or light-touch track for offers made to sophisticated investors or private placements. However, the SEC proposes that ICO for “investment participation” be initially allowed for institutional
, at the purchase price of Baht 375,000; 2 The total purchase price amounts to Baht 5,375,000. It was further resolved in the Meeting that the managing director and/or the person to be authorized by the
their interests and on their behalf by those agents. As sophisticated investors with influence, often including voting rights, institutional
investment, (2) investor education focusing on informing existing investors of financial products, risk profile and investors? right protection, and (3) sophisticated investor education focusing on higher risk