SEC together with FETCO share a common view to enhance FETCO position to “The Capital Market Federation of Thailand” which would have legal status as a “juristic person” like other federations in
According to the information from the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) and SEC’s further investigation, it was found that from 25 July to 9 August 2017 (a total of 11 business days) Surin had been continuously trading PICO’s shares in his four securities trading accounts, that is, he submitted trading orders in a manner to drive up the share price by submitting a large number of trading orders. As a result, the price and trading volume of PICO’s shares were not in a normal market conditio...
the public and all relevant stakeholders regarding the principles to amend these two Acts as follows: (1) broadening the channels for business operators to disclose financial statement information and
broadening opportunities to acquire new patrons via digital channels. KASIKORNBANK has established its business < 1
view to elevate Thai asset management companies (“AMCs”) competitiveness in the international arena while broadening cross-border investment channels and product choices for investors in both markets
broadening cross-border investment channels and product choices for investors in both markets. This cooperation framework opens up new business opportunities for Thai AMCs by allowing them to expand investor
view to elevate Thai asset management companies (“AMCs”) competitiveness in the international arena while broadening cross-border investment channels and product choices for investors in both markets
diversifying into other business sector such as expanding to recurring income business. Furthermore, the Company is considering and evaluating a plan for joint venture with local and oversea entities to ensure
74.52% due to an increase in rent and service income from warehouse/factory space. This was a result from diversifying the Company’s business risk by expanding into recurring income business. The
to consider diversifying into other business sector such as expanding to recurring income business. Furthermore, the company is considering and evaluating a plan for joint venture with local and