imposed by management (paragraph........). ฆ 2.3 Corresponding figures contains or may contain material misstatement which the possible effects on current period’s figures exist, where: ฆ 2.3.1
same period 2016. The estimated loss that may incur on the sale of this Investment was recognized as loss on impairment of the investment in the current period’s Financial statements Baht 92.66 million
same period 2016. The estimated loss that may incur on the sale of this Investment was recognized as loss on impairment of the investment in the current period’s Financial statements of Baht 46.91
financial statements of Q2/2024 compared to the same period of the year 2023, is as follows: Total Revenue amounted to THB 3,405.45 million increased by 3.35% Gross Profit amounted to THB 314.64 million
company’ s overall revenue to continue growing steadily. Gross Profit Gross profit amounted to THB 989.55 million, an increase of THB 108.04 million YoY (+12.26%) compared to the same period last year. The