Exchange (cont.) 6/10 Amendments Details 3.3 Composition of the board of directors of the SET and appointment procedure Board of directors of the SET (11 persons) composes of: • not more than six persons
holding in, securities, derivative, or any other properties, or invest in or procure for profit by other means. "private fund management" 2 means the management of funds of a person or group of persons who
management of funds of a person or group of persons who has authorized the management of investment to acquire benefit from securities, whether or not investment in other assets is also made, which management
Microsoft Word - enactment-specialjuristicperson1997-amended 061120 1 (Translation) EMERGENCY DECREE ON SPECIAL PURPOSE JURISTIC PERSONS FOR SECURITIZATION B.E. 2540 (1997) (As amended)* Bhumibhol
(Translation) EMERGENCY DECREE ON SPECIAL PURPOSE JURISTIC PERSONS FOR SECURITIZATION B.E. 2540 (1997) 2 (As amended)[footnoteRef:1] [1: Published in the Government Gazette, Volume 114, Part 29 Gor
freshfield 1 (Unofficial Translation)* ACT AMENDING ROYAL ENACTMENT ON SPECIAL PURPOSE JURISTIC PERSONS FOR SECURITIZATION B.E. 2540 (1997) B.E. 2558 (2015) Bhumibhol Adulyadej, Rex., Given on the
many persons jointly commit the offence as specified under Section 317/1, such individuals or juristic persons shall be liable in equal shares, except when circumstances allow consideration otherwise. 19
คลหรอืคณะบคุคลทีม่คีวาม เกีย่วขอ้งกบัตลาดทนุ ไมเ่กนิ 6 คน • บคุคลซึง่ บล. สมาชกิ เลอืกต ัง้ ไมเ่กนิ 4 คน • ผูจ้ดัการ ตลท. เป็นกรรมการโดยต าแหนง่ วาระการด ารงต าแหนง่ 3 ปี ด ารงต าแหนง่ไดไ้มเ่กนิ 2 วาระ
freshfield 1 ROYAL ENACTMENT ON SPECIAL PURPOSE JURISTIC PERSONS FOR SECURITISATION B.E. 2540 (1997) Bhumibhol Adulyadej, Rex., Given on this 27th day of June B.E. 2540 Being the 52nd Year of the
; Whereas this Act contains certain provisions relating to the restriction of rights and liberties of persons, which Section 29, in conjunction with Section 32, Section 33, Section 41, and Section 43 of the