of office, the termination of office, and the meetings of the fund committee; (6) the provisions regarding the employees’ savings and the employer’s contribution payable to the fund; (7) the provisions
contribution payable to the fund; (7) the provisions regarding the rules and procedures for the computation of benefits entitled to the employees; 4 (8)3 the provisions regarding the rules, procedures and period
of qualifications or possession of prohibited characteristics under Section 21; (5) 4 termination by the Cabinet’s resolution upon recommendation of the SEC, as advised by the SEC, due to gross
characteristics under Section 21; (5)4 termination by the Cabinet’s resolution upon recommendation of the SEC, as advised by the SEC, due to gross incompetence in the performance of duty or due to underperformance
(Oldest) DRAFT director of the derivatives exchange shall be vacated from his office upon: (1) possession of any prohibited characteristics under Section 61; (2) removal by the SEC due to gross incompetent
amount payable from the date of revocation of its status as a special purpose juristic person. Section 23. The dissolution of a special purpose juristic person which is a limited company or a public
any prohibited characteristics under Section 61; (2) removal by the SEC due to gross incompetent in the https://www.sec.or.th/EN/Documents/ActandRoyalEnactment/Act/act-derivatives2003-amended.pdf DRAFT
his office upon: (1) possession of any prohibited characteristics under Section 61; (2) removal by the SEC due to gross incompetent in the https://www.sec.or.th/TH/Documents/ActandRoyalEnactment/Act
) removal by the SEC due to gross incompetent in the https://www.sec.or.th/TH/Documents/ActandRoyalEnactment/Act/translate-deri.doc DRAFT director of the derivatives exchange shall be vacated from his office
where any employee’s membership terminates due to his retirement as specified in the fund’s article or his resignation at the age of no less than 55 years old, if such employee declares his intention to