Bangkok, February 29, 2012 ? The SEC and the Association of Investment Management Companies (AIMC) have been concerned over the irregular closing price on December 30, 2011 of Gold exchange-trade fund (ETF) listed on foreign market affecting net asset value (NAV) of domestic gold funds. AIMC guideline, although allows asset management company and trustee to jointly exercise their discretion to specify mutual fund?s NAV based on fair price, none of asset management company has done so owing to th...
The ASEAN Capital Markets Forum (ACMF) welcomed the progress achieved by the ASEAN Green Bond Standards at its meeting today. Since its launch in November 2017, the ASEAN Green Bond Standards have gained encouraging traction and there have been three issuances from Malaysia and Singapore carrying the ASEAN Green Bond label. The first sovereign sukuk in ASEAN issued by Indonesia is aligned with the ASEAN Green Bond Standards.The progress of the ASEAN Green Bond Standards demonstrates the region's...
2 assets, and the remaining 6 assets are in the divestment process. This year, we are still passionate about people development, which will be done through various training and promote a collaborative
will soon be disrupted faster, hence the Company needs to be agile. We are passionate about people development through training, workshop and culture reform. We promote a collaborative and innovative
รดงักล่าวอาจจะบรรเทาลงหากกิจการ สามารถระดมทุนจากผูล้งทุนในอีกประเภทหน่ึงซ่ึงมีความมัน่คงพอสมควรในดา้นสถานะทางการเงิน และมี ธรรมชาติท่ีพร้อมในการสนับสนุนทุนแก่กิจการเหล่านั้น (passionate risk taker
proposal Agree Disagree Do you agree with imposing an aggregate limit on total investments in ICOs by each retail investor in any 12-month period? Do you agree with setting the above aggregate limit at 3
launched as a pilot project in 2006 and has increasingly attracted enthusiastic interest of neighboring markets ever since. The improved results were due in large part to the active cooperation and well
program was launched as a pilot project in 2006 and has increasingly attracted enthusiastic interest of neighboring markets ever since. The improved results were due in large part to the active
, Captain Suchart Jaovisidha, as the Honorary Advisor of this project and to receive such enthusiastic support from all organizing agencies.? Mr. Phuvanat naranubala noted that the application period
portfolio managers who own the security, do they all agree on the nature and extent of the problem? } Do our firm’s clients own other securities of this company (for example, its debt instruments)? If so