:// control OR "electrical control" OR "electric manage" OR "electric oversee" OR "power manage" OR "power oversee"&wt=json&indent=true&facet=true&facet.field
forth by the SEC Board and supervise compliance and enforcement of the securities laws. The SEC Office is headed by Secretary-General who is appointed by the Cabinet upon the Minister of Finance’s
forth by the SEC Board and supervise compliance and enforcement of the securities laws. The SEC Office is headed by Secretary-General who is appointed by the Cabinet upon the Minister of Finance’s
, supervise the capital market, for example, fund mobilization, products and services, related business operators, unfair securities trading activities in the capital market. The SEC revenue comprises fee
name of the investment consultant. ● Name of Securities/derivatives intermediary or the employer of the unit seller such as commercial bank. ● Details of the behavior causing the complaint
. Independent Director of Thai Bond Market Association Founder member of the Board of Directors of CP ALL Plc. (Former name CP Seven-Eleven Plc.) Founder member of the Board of Directors of Home Product Plc
important information and supporting evidence to SEC Complaint Center. This includes the followings; 1. Personal information of the complainant, e.g., full name, mailing address and phone number; 2. Power of