decree. [3: Amended by the Act Amending the Special Purpose Juristic Persons for Securitization Act B.E. 2540 B.E. 2558 ] (1) to formulate policies concerning securitization; (2) to supervise the special
or sell the digital tokens or enter into a derivatives contract related to the digital tokens was assigned to a person licensed or registered under the law to manage funds or investments; or (d) in the
Complaint Form Against SEC Executive and Officer Information of Complainant Mr. Mrs. Ms. Name:…………………………………Surname:…………………….. ID Number/ Passport ID: ………………..………………..………………..………………….. Aged
)..............................................ชื่อสกุล................................................. First name (Mr./Mrs./Miss)…………………………Last name……………………………................ (ชื่อ-สกุลเดิม) (ถ้ามี
.......................................................................... 1.1 กรณีบุคคลธรรมดา (1) ชื่อ (นาย/นาง/นางสาว)..............................................ชื่อสกุล................................................. First name (Mr./Mrs./Miss)…………………………Last name
................................................. First name (Mr./Mrs./Miss)…………………………Last name……………………………................ (ชื่อ-สกุลเดิม) (ถ้ามี
)..............................................ชื่อสกุล................................................. First name (Mr./Mrs./Miss)…………………………Last name……………………………................ (ชื่อ-สกุลเดิม) (ถ้ามี
parties e.g. individual or entity you have a complaint against as well as other agencies for completion of complaint consideration procedure. 1. Complainant’s information Name : Mr. Mrs. Ms
Juristic 3 = Foreign individual Official Prefix Code Char(3) 3 M คำนำหน้าชื่อ Refer to Appendix B - Prefix Type List Official Prefix Char(30) 30 O Title of the Shareholder คำนำหน้าชื่อ Official First Name
เจ้าของประวัติ 1.1 ชื่อ (นาย/นาง/นางสาว) ................................................. ชื่อสกุล ..................................................... First name (Mr./Mrs./Miss