summarized as follows. The results of the year 2015 Biodiesel Edible oil By-product Palm oil refining service Sales of porcelain and component Sale of Ice cube Vessel operating Port services Other income Total
million Baht For the following reasons; The result of the 2nd quarter of 2019 (Unit: Million Baht) Biodiesel Edible oil By-product Palm oil refining service Vessel operating Total Sale and service Other
. Manufacture and Sales of Edible Oil 2.1 Revenues from sales of Edible Oil (Palm Olien) to total revenue for the 1st quarter of 2017 and 2016 were 1.42% and 13.17% respectively. - In 1st quarter of 2017, revenue
and has registered as an oil trader under Section 7 of the Fuel Trade Act B.E. 2543 since the September 9, 2020. However, the Company aware of the price fluctuation risks, has set the policy determined
the reasons are summarized as follows. The result of 1st quarter of 2018 ( Unit: million baht) . Biodiesel Edible oil By-product Palm oil refining service Vessel operating Other income Total revenue
follows; 1.1 Sales of Biodiesel, Edible oil Refined Glycerine, Raw material and By-product ▪ For the year 2022, The sales volume decreased by 10.58% and the revenue from Biodiesel business decrease by
million liters and has registered as an oil trader under Section 7 of the Fuel Trade Act B.E. 2543 since the 9th September 2020. However, the Company aware of the price fluctuation risks, has set the policy
quarter of 2019, which gross loss decreased by 1.66 million Baht as follows; The result of the 2nd quarter of 2020 (Unit: Million Baht) Biodiesel Edible oil Byproduct Palm oil refining service Refined
เนอร์จี จ ำกดั (มหำชน) AI Energy Public Company Limited ทะเบียนเลขที่ 0107556000311 The result of the 1st quarter of 2020 (Unit: Million Baht) Biodiesel Edible oil Byproduct Palm oil refining service
เนอร์จี จ ำกดั (มหำชน) AI Energy Public Company Limited ทะเบียนเลขที่ 0107556000311 The result of the 1st quarter of 2020 (Unit: Million Baht) Biodiesel Edible oil Byproduct Palm oil refining service