gather information on name, last name, nationality, occupation, residential address, contacting address, name of ultimate beneficial owner, name of ultimate controlling person, name of the entity
be a job description explaining duties and responsibilities of each unit and position. 3. There should be a clear segregation between the unit with investment management function and the unit with back
No. OrThor/Nor. 5/2547 Re: Operational Control and Security of the Information Technology of Securities Company For the purpose of rendering the securities companies to efficiently comply with the
hasbasic understanding of general laws related to the profession. The qualifications will be considered from the personnel’s: □(2.1) First name, last name, and education; □(2.2) Work experiences, given with
of spouse ……………………………………………………... Former name (of spouse) ………..…………………………………... Occupation …………………… working place ….…..… 2.7 Number of children …..persons (if any) (in case of change of children’s
: Operational Control and Security for Information Technology of a Licensed Derivatives Broker. By virtue of the second paragraph of Clause 7 of the Notification of the Securities and Exchange Commission No
, please describe 2 How the firm’s job evaluation / appraisal process works? How often job evaluation made? 3 Does the firm’s appraisal process gives due recognition and reward to competence, compliance with
Exchange Commission No. KorThor. 24/2549 Re: Rules, Conditions and Procedures for Operational Control of Securities Underwriting dated 25 October 2006; (4) Clause 2(1) and Clause 19 of the Notification of
Advisory Agents dated 3 August 2009; (6) Clause 2 and Clause 3 of the Capital Market Supervisory Board No. TorThor. 71/2552 Re: Rules, Conditions, and Procedures for Operational Control of Securities
translation is strictly for reference. 9 Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board No. TorThor. 25/2556 Re: Outsourcing Operational Function relating to Business Operation to Third Party By virtue of