Microsoft Word - I-!9%*#8˙I-*ˇ@( Blue Sky 20200929 EN_MDA Year End - Translation - 1 ACC-O-2010003 October 1, 2020 To: President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Subject: Management Discussion and
Microsoft Word - I-!9%*#8˙I-*ˇ@( Blue Sky 20200929 TH_MDA Year End 1 ท ีACC-O-2010003 1 ตลุาคม 2563 เรือง การวเิคราะห์และคําอธิบายระหว่างงวดของฝ่ายจดัการ ชีแจงผลการดาํเนินงานสําหรบัปีสินสดุวนัที 31
Microsoft Word - I-!9%*#8˙I-*ˇ@( Blue Sky 20200929 EN_MDA Quarterly - Translation - 1 ACC-O-2010004 October 1, 2020 To: President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Subject: Management Discussion and
hedging at Baht 1.8 million. Other income from mold supplier, sales of scraps and obsolete equipment reported at Baht 3.2 million. Gross profit margin was dropped from 33.4% to 32.2% due to long aged
foreign exchange hedging at Baht 3.3 million. Other income from sales of scraps, obsolete machine and equipment reported at Baht 1.8 million. Gross profit was down from 35.2% to 33.1% due to the increase in
) Notification of the connected transaction. The Board of Directors’ Meeting resolved to approve entering into a connected transaction to sell the obsolete assets related to zinc production that are free from any
ended up 21.5% and export sales 78.5%. The Company reported gain from foreign exchange hedging at Baht 8.3 million. Other income from sales of scraps, obsolete equipment reported at Baht 2.5 million
foreign exchange hedging at Baht 2.1 million. Other income reported at Baht 0.9 million from transportation, sales of scraps, and obsolete equipment. Gross profit margin slightly increased from 32.2% to
26.80 million. OLD Policy on allowance for obsolete inventories Considering inventories that are 5 years or older and considering the inventories. The net realizable value is the amount for which an asset
were: Cost of goods sold was Baht 15.21 million, increasing of 130.8% due to lots of new book titles book published and increased in numbers of provision of obsolete stocks. Selling and