arbitrator may order the parties to take additional witness and evidence. The arbitrator shall make additional resolution within sixty days from the date of receipt of such request. In case of necessity, the
companies may participate in the test, mutually observe or let the main service providers notify the BCP test to companies. Division 9 Examples of emergency incidents which may cause major operational
securities company. In case where the Office see appropriate, securities company shall arrange for the Office to examine an operation of service provider, in part that involves with the securities company
commonly-accepted academic principal or the international standard as prescribed by the Association of Investment Management Companies (2) Duty of Care The management company should observe the duty of care
Clause 16 shall come into force from 1 January 2002. (see note attached hereto) Clause 2. The followings shall be repealed: (1) Notification of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission No