network connection security, for example, limiting access to certain application services if connecting to external networks, etc.; (4) encrypt critical data stored on mobile devices and transmitted via
seaport 6) Railway networks providing a seamless connection between the three seaports The government is developing integrated transportation systems to strengthen Thailand’s role as a major global economic
infrastructures of internet connections Head Office: 90 CW Tower A, 17 th -20 th Floor, Ratchdapisek Road Huai Khwang, Bangkok 10310 Registered capital: 148,628,692.25 baht Paid-up capital: 148,628,692.25 baht with
, culture, and environment—and act as an intermediary within cooperation networks • Communicate: We share knowledge of sustainable tourism to foster awareness and understanding through our projects and
Information and Communication Networks Public Company Limited D.K.J. Building, 5th Floor, No. 393, Sukhonthasawat Road, Latphrao, Latphrao, Bangkok 10230, Thailand Tax.ID.: 0107560000184 Website
Information and Communication Networks Public Company Limited D.K.J. Building, 5th Floor, No. 393, Sukhonthasawat Road, Latphrao, Latphrao, Bangkok 10230, Thailand Tax.ID.: 0107560000184 Website
กน้ี เม่ือพนกังานไดรั้บขอ้ความหรือรูปภาพ ดงักล่าวควรลบทิ้งเพราะหากเกิดความเสียหายใด ๆ แลว้ พนกังานตอ้งรับผดิชอบ - การสนทนาหรือส่งขอ้ความในระบบ social networks ผา่นระบบเครือข่าย ส่ือสารของส านกังาน จะท า
Microsoft Word - ICN_MDnA_Q1-4_2017_EN.docx 1 Information and Communication Networks Public Company Limited D.K.J. Building, 5th Floor, No. 393, Sukhonthasawat Road, Latphrao, Latphrao
Information and Communication Networks Public Company Limited D.K.J. Building, 5th Floor, No. 393, Sukhonthasawat Road, Latphrao, Latphrao, Bangkok 10230, Thailand Tax.ID.: 0107560000184 Website
include forward-looking elements where this will enhance understanding. Integrated business reporting should support and enhance information in the financial statements and explain the linkages to non