operators, professionals, and listed companies, and become important tax units that create sizable revenue to the country. As the Thai capital market has been developed to become increasingly efficient and
Implemented or above for 35 out of 37 Principles. Such notable progress can be summarized into three main groups: (1) New Principles for the SEC, (2) Principles with significant improvements, and (3) Principles
Implemented or above for 35 out of 37 Principles. Such notable progress can be summarized into three main groups: (1) New Principles for the SEC, (2) Principles with significant improvements, and (3) Principles
participate in the decision making on important matters. UPDATE: At present, the Emergency Decree on Electronic Meetings https://www.sec.or.th/EN/Pages/ABOUTUS/TOWARDINTERNATIONAL-DOINGBUSINESS.aspx English
formulation of this strategic plan involved consideration of all important dimensions as follows:- Challenges and key trends impacting capital markets (Megatrends) Key priorities from strategic plans of capital
Underwriter: LBDU) เพื่อให้สามารถ กากับดูแลตามระดับความเสี่ยงได้อย่างมีประสิทธิภาพยิ่งข้ึน โดยปรบัปรงุแบบประเมนิตนเอง (Self-Assessment Questionnaire: SAQ) ในส่วนของการรายงานธุรกรรมสาคัญ (Significant Activity
important information and supporting evidence to SEC Complaint Center. This includes the followings; 1. Personal information of the complainant, e.g., full name, mailing address and phone number; 2. Power of
meeting. This would allow shareholders to take part in shareholder meetings more easily and promote the exercise of voting rights to control, monitor and participate in the decision making on important
meeting. This would allow shareholders to take part in shareholder meetings more easily and promote the exercise of voting rights to control, monitor and participate in the decision making on important
ปรับปรุ งและพัฒนา ASEAN Taxonomy ต่อเน่ืองจากฉบับแรก เช่น จัดทา เกณฑ์การประเมินสาหรับทั้ง foundation framework (guiding questions, decision trees และ use cases, DNSH (Do No Significant Harm), social