countries, such plan shall at least contain details of an efficient operational management, monitoring and supervision system, and record keeping system including readiness of personnel; (4) have good
shall at least contain details of an efficient operational management, monitoring and supervision system, and record keeping system including readiness of personnel; (4) have good management record as
Board hereby issues the following regulations: Clause 1 This Notification shall come into force as from 1 July 2017. Chapter 1 General Provisions Part 1 Objectives of the Supervision of Derivatives
contain details of an efficient operational management, monitoring and supervision system, and record keeping system including readiness of personnel; (4) have good management record as follows: (a) for the
operation in foreign countries, such plan shall at least contain details of an efficient operational management, monitoring and supervision system, and record keeping system including readiness of personnel
which the State or an authorized derivatives supervision agency used for considering the issuance of license, registration or permission to operate the derivatives trade without having to apply for a
investment returns before Type B unitholders 12 Increasing Market Confidence Source : Enhancing supervisory process through
ทีเ่กีย่วขอ้ง SEC Open data services E-enforcement • Corporate surveillance system - ความสมัพนัธบ์คุคล / นติบิคุคล - Fraud • AI-enforcement - พฤตกิรรมสรา้งราคา - พฤตกิรรมผดิปกติ • Off-site monitoring: - ผปก
director; (2) Being able to demonstrate that the supervisor has effective system for supervision and monitoring of the securities company at the management level in matters stipulated in sub-paragraph (1) so
exemption from the requirement of independent director; (2) Being able to demonstrate that the supervisor has effective system for supervision and monitoring of the securities company at the management level