Board hereby issues the following regulations: Clause 1 This Notification shall come into force as from 1 July 2017. Chapter 1 General Provisions Part 1 Objectives of the Supervision of Derivatives
investment returns before Type B unitholders 12 Increasing Market Confidence Source : Enhancing supervisory process through
. (Acceptance and Continuance of Client Relationships and Specific Engagements) 5. (Resources) 6. (Engagement Performance) 7. (Information and Communication) 8. (Monitoring and Remediation Process)
an excellent customer experience. We have collaborated with our partners, cross-industry and cross-border, to create ecosystem partnerships under the “KASIKORNBANK and Beyond” concept. All of these
ทีเ่กีย่วขอ้ง SEC Open data services E-enforcement • Corporate surveillance system - ความสมัพนัธบ์คุคล / นติบิคุคล - Fraud • AI-enforcement - พฤตกิรรมสรา้งราคา - พฤตกิรรมผดิปกติ • Off-site monitoring: - ผปก
continually prioritized risk surveillance through prudent screening and close monitoring of borrowers along with implementation of assistance measures for affected customers, covering both corporate and retail
flows as above, KBank is closely monitoring the situation and assessing possible impacts, placing importance on efficient risk management under the supervision of the Enterprise Risk Management Division
provide smart personalized “Financial and Life Solutions” to the right customer at the right time. We continue our endeavor to deliver an excellent customer experience with ever-greater consideration of
certain periods. KBank has a monitoring process and control measures in place to ensure that risk is within an acceptable level. Foreign exchange risk management 16 is under supervision of the Assets and
delivering an excellent customer experience in order to empower every customer’s life and business, we prioritize the offering of attentive and inclusive services as a trustworthy service provider. We can