To break or not to break: Evidence from price discovery process of Thai stocks during the pre-opening of each trading session To break or not to break Evidence from price discovery process of Thai
Clusters and Their Financial Literacy 14.55: Investor Return – Mind the Gap 15.25: Break 15.35: Trigger Funds: Trick or Treat 16.15: Open Discussion Thai Investor Clusters and Their Financial Literacy Arnond
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, interest income from convertible bonds, as well as return from investing surplus cash in money market products. Cost of Services Our cost of service increased by 43.87mb or 16.4% to 332.39mb (2018: 285.52mb
in money market products giving a better yield. Cost of Services While our revenue is stable compared year-on-year, our cost of service decreased by 1.59mb or - 2.1% to 73.41mb (Q1 2018: 75.00mb). The
our investments, as well as improvements in surplus cash management where we have invested surplus cash in money market products giving a better yield. Cost of Services While our revenue has grown 7.7
returns from our investments, as well as improvements in surplus cash management where we have invested surplus cash in money market products giving a better yield. Cost of Services While our revenue has
surplus cash in money market products. Cost of Services Our cost of service increased by 20.30mb or 27.7% to 93.71mb (Q1 2019: 73.41mb) . The growth in cost of services was in line with the 35.2% growth in
12.26mb ( Q3 2018: 5.66mb) as a result of realized gains on investments, interest income from convertible bonds, as well as return from investing surplus cash in money market products. Cost of Services Our
(net profit margin of 27.0%), an increase of 6.96mb or 9.9%. 1. Revenue Structure Table 2: The break down revenue by business entities. Type of Revenue Jan-Jun 2019 Jan-Jun 2020 Million Baht % Million