in valuing these forms of capital - the omission of in-house intangible investments Data - Descriptive Statistics for ESG Score Companies 8 Obs. Mean Median Max Min Std Dev. ICR2 845 0.150 0.120 0.420
emphasis on, and strive to improve, the quality control in every element on a continued basis. This will help to promote audit quality and build trustworthiness of the financial reporting system of the Thai
research believes that companies investing in CSR programs are able to improve corporate image, attract more resources, and enhance operational performance. However, the other strand of thought argues that
์ (3) มีการซ้ือขายทุกวนัในช่วง 1 ปีท่ีผา่นมา: มีการซ้ือขายทุกวนั บนเวบ็ไซต ์ (4) มี market capitalization ยอ้นหลงั 3 เดือนล่าสุดโดยเฉล่ียมากกวา่ 30 ลา้นดอลลาร์สหรัฐ (5) มี median
of Good Corporate Governance for listed companies, and a new banking act and supporting regulation to improve bank corporate governance. The amendments to the SEA included clearer duties for directors
benchmarks as reported by Morningstar. Sample includes equity large-cap and index funds 10Asset-weighted median expenses ratio ranges for equity funds %. Note that Thai mutual fund industry is downgraded to C
), Iglesias, Sauquet, and Montana (2011), Mueller (2012), and Han (2012). 9 SEC Classification : ใชภ้ายใน (Internal) improve the functioning of the board as a corporate governance mechanism. With better board
to improve confidence and transparency, which in turn will enable further strong growth in the market. The Climate Bonds Standard and Certification Scheme is an easy-to-use screening tool that provides
the company. Payment : A lump sum payment on the transferring date, June 5, 2019. The proceeds from the sale will be used to improve working capital, increase liquidity and reduce the financial burden
-2 1 N o v- 2 1 D ec -2 1 Ja n -2 2 Fe b -2 2 M ar -2 2 A p r- 2 2 M ay -2 2 Ju n -2 2 Ju l- 2 2 A u g- 2 2 Unrealized P/L Mean (฿) Median (฿) Bear Market Bear Market SEC Classification : ใชภ้ายใน