assets increased as a result of, in Q2 of 2019, having changes in status of the investment from investment in associated company to other long-term investment, by measuring the fair value of the remaining
vocal about engaging with sustainable brands Only 58% of these organizations are moving sustainability programs into implementation Only 22% are measuring progress against targets Context Global shift
associated company to other long-term investment, by measuring the fair value of the remaining investments from the sales. Liabilities increased came from provision for long-term employee benefits and
) in the 2nd quarter of 2017. Within the period of measuring of the said value, the Company has received the data relating to the fair value of assets and liabilities as a result, the value of the fixed
of TFRS 9 Financial Instruments by applying the Simplified Approach รn measuring the expected credit loss, the loss is expected to be incurred over the life of the debt and the loss is recognized since
limited to measuring progress towards your goals We are aiming for an approach that is…. Landing the Enterprise Standards in the Thai context: Integrate IMM frameworks and tools into business practices and
caption of “Gain on measuring the previously held interests before business combination” in amount of THB 214 million as if the Company has disposed those investments. The information of the recognized
พัฒนาด้านความเป็นอยู่ท่ีดีของประเทศในบริบทของ SDGs11 และรัฐบาลออสเตรเลียได้เปิดตัว กรอบการวัดความเป็นอยู่ท่ีดี Measuring What Matters12 เพ่ือเป็นเครื่องมือในการติดตามและ ประเมินผล ซ่ึงจะช่วยให้รัฐบาล
management, there shall be explained the procedure of credit approval, standard of measuring credit exposure and determination of credit limits of the counterparty; (e) as regard the price risk management
measuring consumers’ confidence on current economic situation and the next 6 months. The number of foreign tourist arrivals in second quarter and first-half registered an 9.1% and 12.5% growth respectively