Operator หรือ ตัวแทน (“local representative”) ซ่ึงเป็น ผู้ยื่นค าขอตรวจสอบลักษณะหนว่ยของ ASEAN CIS ในประเทศไทย (“ผู้ยื่นค าขอฯ”) จะต้องระบจุ านวนเงนิทีจ่ะ เสนอขายในประเทศไทยเป็นสกลุเงินบาท และระบุช่ือ ผู้รับ
Bank /*# %B`&* ". $% /*( Custodian Bank )# TCR Issuer 0G"H
damages the well-being of society or a specific target population. For the avoidance of doubt, it is acknowledged that the definition of target population can vary depending on local contexts and that, in
available at the office of the derivatives business operator for public access and also be published in at least one local daily newspaper in accordance with the rules specified in the notification of the SEC
SPTs in relation to the specific sectors and local context, with SPTs based on a combination of benchmarking approaches, such as historically externally verified values, issuers peers’ and industry or
development) 9 3. Eligibility Criteria 3.1. Mitigation Component The simplicity of the Criteria enables rapid screening and meaningful monitoring and verification for assurance without transaction costs
national legislative frameworks, regulatory disclosure requirements or listing rules. As global guidance, it should be read with the understanding that local rules and cultural norms may lead to different
characteristics. It is recommended the variation of the bond financial and/or structural characteristics should be commensurate and meaningful relative to the issuer’s original bond financial characteristics. The
- Local Reach Our staff of 950+ employees in over 28 offices & representations around the world includes engineers, consultants, scientists, project developers, and finance experts. Who we are Confidential
needed, we translate letters into local languages to facilitate communication. Some investors use this moment to inform the press. A company’s board may well be reading about the issue in the media before