securities are publicly offered in Thailand market must be approved by the SEC. Therefore, the SEC hereby issues the regulations on approval of foreign auditors in the Capital Market as follows; Foreign
jurisdictions raised serious concerns among capital market regulators on the quality of financial statements and more stringent quality control on audit work has been imposed to regain
Practical issues and challenges in TFRS implementation เมื่อวันที่ 27 และ 28 กันยายน 2564 เอกสารประกอบการสัมมนา Practical issues and challenges in TFRS implementation คลิปงานสัมมนา Practical issues and
. protection seller CDS; Please note that this is a non-exhaustive list of restricted assets. Hong Kong Covered Management Companies are encouraged to consult the SFC if in doubt on any issues. (As of October
the Product Restrictions of Qualifying CIS. To view: Part I : Qualifications of the CIS Operator, Trustee/Fund Supervisor, and requirements relating to Approval, Valuation, and Operational Matters