Microsoft Word - MD&A 3Q2020-E_Final by FA&Mark _3 Nov 2020_.docx 1 Ref: CSO. 034/2020 Date: 3rd November 2020 Subject: Management Discussion and Analysis Quarter 3 Ending 30th September 2020
Microsoft Word - MD&A 3Q2020-T_Final by FA&Mark _3 Nov 2020_.docx 1 ที สลบ. 034/2563 วนัที 3 พฤศจกิายน 2563 เรือง คําอธบิายและวเิคราะหข์องฝ่ายจัดการ ไตรมาสที 3 สิ/นสดุวนัที 30 กนัยายน 2563 เรยีน กรรม
group – one of the largest Japan’s property developer - to jointly invest in the residential project “EYSE Sukhumvit 43” – our first low-rise luxury condominium on Sukhumvit 43 road– value of Bt 1,931mn 2
greatly 308 Million baht or 86%. The rise was primarily contributed by property business. The gross profit from property business in Q3 2017 was recorded 290 Million Baht or 21% of revenue from property
greatly 248 Million baht or 71%. The rise was primarily contributed by property business. The gross profit from property business in Q3 2017 was recorded 290 Million Baht or 21% of revenue from property
quarter of 2020, once the decrease of mark to market of the investment is not factored, the company and its subsidiaries will report the net profit of Baht 1,759.5 million (comparative data). In the first
. Total revenue decreased of Baht 272.67 million or 108% mainly from: Gain from investments decreased of Baht 242.20 million mainly from mark to market price of investment in listed securities decreased
62.51% to 57.99%. 2. Net investment revenues, gains on investments and fair value losses totally amounted to Baht 30.22 million, an increase of Baht 13.46 million, because of the rise of gains from the
Million Baht or 31.3 of the total revenue, improved greatly 190.2 Million baht or 28.2%. The rise was primarily contributed by property business. The gross profit from property business in Q2 2017 was
Million Baht or 31.3 of the total revenue, improved greatly 190.2 Million baht or 28.2%. The rise was primarily contributed by property business. The gross profit from property business in Q2 2017 was