Section 133 Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 Section 133. The securities company shall manage a private fund with honesty and care to preserve the interests of the person who has authorized the
Section 117 Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 Section 117. In the management of a mutual fund, a securities company may set up and manage a mutual fund only when its application to set up the
company as its representative in accordance with Section 100, with the SEC Office’s approval. Clause 2 A securities company shall proceed with a customer complaint as follows: (1) manage to have a customer
to receive assets proven by evidence to be the client’s assets under possession of an intermediary under receivership by court order, the person with the proceeding power shall segregate and manage the
whole or in part, to manage the business of the securities company only with the approval from the Office. In cases where it later appears that the persons under the first paragraph have the prohibited
Office in accordance with the rules, conditions and procedures specified in the notification of the SEC. The securities company may act as a custodian for the person who has authorized it to manage the
that the derivatives fund manager will appropriately manage the investments for investors to protect and maintain the best interest of investors under acceptable risk exposure, it is necessary that the
prescribe the standard for the management of retail funds , accredited investor funds , mutual funds for institutional investors , and private funds to ensure that the management companies oversee and manage
notification of the Securities and Exchange Commission Re: Requirements for securities companies to handle customer’s compliant; (2) the investment management system which has clear procedures and methods of
as to ensure that such complaint is handled within an appropriate period and following the procedures and means as determined in sub-clause (2); Clause 3 A derivatives broker shall proceed with a