in general, which would further have an effect on the recovery of the economy of the country. It is therefore expedient to enact the law on special purpose juristic persons for securitization
factors lead to a general and wide impact on the operations and the management of liquidity of financial institutions in general, which would further have an effect on the recovery of the economy of the
factors lead to a general and wide impact on the operations and the management of liquidity of financial institutions in general, which would further have an effect on the recovery of the economy of the
businesses, for the purpose of maintaining the stability of the country’s economy, and protecting investors and the public concerned. The enactment of this Emergency Decree is consistent with the conditions
of such activities and businesses, for the purpose of maintaining the stability of the country’s economy, and protecting investors and the public concerned. The enactment of this Emergency Decree is
ล่าว อยา่งไรก็ดี โดยท่ีตลาดหลกัทรัพยเ์ป็นผูป้ระกอบกิจการดงักล่าวมาก่อน ยอ่มมีความไดเ้ปรียบ และมี economy of scale การมีผูป้ระกอบธุรกิจเพิ่มข้ึนน่าจะมีผลใหต้ลาดหลกัทรัพยแ์ละบริษทัยอ่ย พฒันาประสิทธิภาพใน
two-thirds of all committee members and shall be in effect upon approval of the Minister. The Selection Committee shall make the rule so prescribed under this Section available for public access
approval of the Minister. 14 The Selection Committee shall make the rule so prescribed under this Section available for public access. SECTION 31/5. The Selection Committee shall vacate its office when the
manager shall make use of the employee’s savings and the employer’s contribution in accordance with the investment policy assigned by the employee. In cases where no investment policy has been assigned by
. In respect of investing or seeking benefits for the fund, the fund manager shall make use of the employee’s savings and the employer’s contribution in accordance with the investment policy assigned by