derivatives business only after a license from the SEC has been obtained. Any derivatives business operator which is a legal entity under Section 17 and engages in any derivatives business only with
derivatives business only after a license from the SEC has been obtained. Any derivatives business operator which is a legal entity under Section 17 and engages in any derivatives business only with
condition and the business operation of an entity who is not a securities issuing company and such entity gives consent thereto, the SEC may specify that such entity shall have the joint duty and
entity established in any other forms as specified in the notification of the SEC. "securities company" means any company, or financial institution licensed to undertake securities business under this Act
organization of foreign government, international organization and juristic person under law of foreign jurisdiction; (4) juristic person established by specific law; and (5) issuing entity established in any
with its use. 2 (4) juristic person established by specific law; and (5) issuing entity established in any other forms as specified in the notification of the SEC.” SECTION 4. The provision of Section 5
นก ำรกำกับ ดูแล หน่ว ยงำ นภำยใ ต้กำรกำกับ ดูแล ข องสำนั กงำน ก .ล . ต. (regulated entity) ในเรืองผูส้อบบัญชีไม่สอดคล้องกัน ในกำรแก้ไข พ.ร.บ.หลกัทรัพยฯ์ ในครังนี จึงมี กำรแก้ไขในส่วนทีเกียวข้องกับกำรกำ