product and Organic vegetable products Brand WB Organic is known more. 620/5 หมู่ 11 ต.หนองขาม อ.ศรีราชา จ.ชลบุรี 20230 โทรศพัท ์038 480 020-1 โทรสาร 038 480 080 620/5 Moo 11 Nongkham, Sriracha, Chonburi
from change in fair value of biological assets 9.70 Million Baht. The main cause is the value of economic trees that was recorded in the consolidated financial statements as at 31 December 2016
technologies. Natural gas, combined cycle gas turbine and fossil fuel-based combined heat and power (cogeneration), despite being less carbon intensive than other means of electricity production like coal, are
the buying of Mixed Xylene (MX) as feedstock to Paraxylene, we have been able to create a natural hedge. MTBE and MX, both being gasoline blend components, have very similar price points with over 90
the Company and for the benefit of all its stakeholders. Timely diversification has also helped the Company create a natural hedge against margins volatility seen in a particular product or region
the Company and for the benefit of all its stakeholders. Timely diversification has also helped the Company create a natural hedge against margins volatility seen in a particular product or region
Baht increase over the same period of the previous year 24.32 million baht or 16.20% percent mainly resulted from types of raw natural rubber Synthetic rubber and chemicals increased proportionally order
increased emphasis on leadership development are the key strategic priorities for the group. 4Q19 IVL Performance Summary IVL reported 2.9 MT of production volume in 4Q19 (-8ppt. organic and +10ppt. inorganic
project for the construction of waste management systems for producing RDF (Refuse-Derived Fuel) and organic fertilizers that appear in the expenditure budget annual budget year 256221/ The project that
: +662 661 6664 1 3Q19 IVL Performance Summary IVL reported 3.3 mmt of production volume (5% organic and 18% inorganic growth yoy). Organic growth reinforces the demand growth in our business. Inorganic