Establishment of Mutual Funds and Execution of Agreements for Establishment of Mutual Funds and Execution of Agreements for Management of Private Funds (No. 2)
Establishment of Mutual Funds and Execution of Agreements for Management of Private Funds (No. 4)
Establishment of Mutual Funds and Execution of Agreements for Management of Private Funds (No. 3)
Establishment of Mutual Funds and Execution of Agreements for Management of Private Funds (No. 8)
Establishment of Mutual Funds and Execution of Agreements for Management of Private Funds (No. 7)
Establishment of Mutual Funds and Execution of Agreements for Management of Private Funds (No. 10)
Establishment of Mutual Funds and Execution of Agreements for Private Fund Management (No. 15)
liabilities under lease agreements from the adoption of the Financial Reporting Standards No. 16 on leases which caused the Company to recognize obligation of lease agreements that had previously been
interest paid from loans but there was interest paid under lease agreements amount to Baht 0.24 million. As of January 1st, 2020, the Company has adopted the Accounting Standards – TFRS 16 ‘Leases’ to
in Kenya. Moreover, Elite Havens luxury villa rentals and management has expanded to Goa and Maharashtra, India. Unit: Baht million 2Q20 2Q19 Change 6M20 6M19 Change Hotel business 100 813 -713 -87.7