safest and most responsible ways of moving people. Sustainability Roadmap Do no harm Do it better Differentiation What can young directors learn from the board? Board Effectiveness Board Diversity • Skills
mainly from M Jatujak, Reflection Jomtien Beach Pattaya, M Silom and Manor Sanambinnam. - Management fee income in 2018 amounted 59.51 million baht increased by 19.52 million baht or 48.81% from 39.99
Reflection Jomtien Beach Pattaya. - Revenues from hotel operations in Q2/2018 amounted 62.37 million baht slightly decreased by 3.68 million Baht or 5.57% from 66.05 million baht in Q2/2017. - Management fee
from M Silom, Manor Sanambinnam and Reflection Jomtien Beach Pattaya. - Revenues from hotel operations in Q3/2018 amounted 62.40 million baht slightly decreased by 3.30 million Baht or 5.02% from 65.70
. Experiment 2: Social Proof Experiment Control: Cognitive Reflection Test (CRT) + Preference Elicitation Source: Authors’ design Expert recommen dation non-expert recommen dation Simple life insurance 1 2
• Financial literacy does not lead to QoL directly • Financial literacy needs to be redefined to include “Digital literacy” • One needs to have willing attitude to learn new things to overcome risks
cognitive reflection skills แตข่อเปลี่ยน “น่าจะ” (might also) เป็น “ควรจะ” (should also) • อยากเสนอใหร้ฐัและผูเ้ก่ียวขอ้ง ท าวิดีโอคลิปสัน้ๆ เป็นซีรสี ์ให้ คนตระหนกัและกลัวการ “แก่และจน” และรณรงคใ์หท้กุคน ออม
) Foundation. The topics included the financial reporting standards on financial instruments and revenue from contracts with customers, to encourage members to learn and exchange the notion and experience
scam or fraud is suspected. • Motivated to learn about and how to avoid investment scams and fraud. • Confident to question whether an investment may be fraudulent. • Confident to acknowledge, if it has
, there will be a high chance of audit adjustments. While firms that stay with the same auditor for a longer period of time can learn from the auditor and lower the chance of repeated mistakes. The results