providers, including import and export by both sea freight (Full and Less Container Loading) and by air freight, and domestic transportation SEL. SEL is one of the leader in air freight business in Singapore
the right to manage inflight media on 20 planes of Nok Air and 4 planes of Thai Lion Air. Combining with its existing media inflight network, Aero Media has a total of 80 planes in the portfolio
proficiency and high experience. - Opinion of the Board of Directors and Audit Committee which is different -None – B. Purchasing Air Conditioner 1. Transaction Date : February - March 2020 2. Connected Parties
proficiency and high experience. - Opinion of the Board of Directors and Audit Committee which is different -None – B. Purchasing Air Conditioner 1. Transaction Date : February - March 2020 2. Connected Parties
/ (Decrease) Percentage Sea Freight 150.77 178.21 (27.44) (15.40) Air Freight 192.94 105.73 87.21 82.48 Logistics Management 85.47 71.76 13.71 19.11 Total Service Revenue 429.18 355.70 73.48 20.66 1. Revenue
(UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION) (Updated 2015) 4. Certification of Leader of Audit Firm Date ........ Month ............ Year.......... To: Secretary-General Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission
are potential to implement the effective cash management right their proficiency and high experience. - Opinion of the Board of Directors and Audit Committee which is different -None - B. Purchasing Air
Service For three months until end of September 30 For three months until end of September 30 Increase / (Decrease) Percentage Sea Freight 149.20 160.60 -11.40 -7.10 Air Freight 246.64 124.16 122.48 98.65
subsidiary. Another reason is the increasing revenue of the Air-conditioning and sanitary products division. The segment of revenues from sales and services by business. (Unit: Million Baht) Q3/2017 Q3/2016
Electric Kang Yong Watana Co., Ltd. => MKY 3. Nature of the Transaction : KYE has plan to invest in purchasing 15 units of air conditioners for installation at the refrigerator production line, Building 3