สวนที่ 3 หนา 4 หนวย : บาท 3. Large Exposure Risk 3.1 วิธีท่ี 1 (ก) (ข) (ค) (ง) (จ) (ฉ) (ช) รายชื่อหลักทรัพย long short net ฐานในการ (ง) / (จ) คาความเส่ียง คํานวณ(1) (%) หุน A warrant A
Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3 Cluster 4 Provident fundsMutual fundsInsurance 3.9 9.4 11.6 24.0 Insurance Provident funds Insurance Primary vehicle Mutual funds Retirement saving adequacy 11% 18% 28% % of
% of funds in our sample are classified as actively- managed funds, the majority of the funds effectively act as de facto indexers. Third, the majority of capital is allocated to stocks with large market
Electricity Authority 326 employees 8. Ministry of Commerce 307 employees Analysis Using Cluster Analysis for clustering Thai investor based on their behavior or Proportions of their money allocated to each
opportunities (Fama and French, 2000). Hence, any price reward to very 16 long patterns is likely a reflection of anticipated lower risk than better growth prospects (e.g. in the case of mature large firms). To
companies lose that leadership position, increased almost 40 percent between 1965 and 2010. Competition has intensified, driven in large part by technology, rapidly changing consumer preferences, and an
PowerPoint Presentation การซกัซอ้มวธิกีารค านวณคา่ความเสีย่ง Large Exposure Risk ฝ่ายนโยบายธรุกจิตวักลาง มถินุายน 2563 Counterparty Risk Large Exposure Risk (LER)* Position Risk Investment Risk
increase of 463.3 MB and 700.2 MB or increase of 36.6% and 68.0%, respectively. This is because the Company had delivered many large-scale projects which had just been auctioned in early 2019. Those large
#% (.* % !$ +,# !#-!'" 0 1 : # !#-!' 3(.% ' # (haircuts) " 1 .. 54 19 0 2 : ' # K +30. ' # 3 +3- $ ' #E++) (position risk) ' #E&'#II (counterparty risk) 3' #E3E" (large exposure risk) J0(.* #0% "30 (#' 3) 4
% 0% 0% Fixed Income Money Market Thailand Equity Property Fund Foreign EQ Allocation Commodities ETF Miscellaneous 2 Thai Mutual Fund Industry 68% 12% 20% 74% 21% 5% Equity Large-Cap Equity Small/Mid