participate in the oversight of the financial reporting preparation and disclose more useful and relevant information to investors; investors should be more equipped to analyze financial reporting and use the
นนทบุรี 11120 โทร. 02-9817992-4 แฟกซ์ 02-9817995 period of the previous year. This is because the company’s group has experiences in construction planning and construction drawings, especially existing
because the company’s group has experiences in construction planning and WELL GRADED ENGINEERING PLC. บรษิทั เวล เกรด เอน็จเินียรงิ จํากดั (มหาชน) / หมู่ ตําบลบางพูด อําเภอปากเกรด็ จงัหวดันนทบุร ี โทร
, resulting in fewer deficiencies detected. There are, however, other areas in which further improvements are warranted such as audit planning and risk assessments, audit procedures in response to fraud risk
opinion. After analyzing the root cause of these deficiencies, the SEC believes that they were caused by inadequate and/or inappropriate risk assessments during the audit planning stage. Therefore, it is
Baht 631.26 million, respectively. This increase resulted from the investment in Property, Plant and Equipment. Also, the establishment of a medical international clinic including preparation for the
the auditors and the engagement quality control reviewers (“EQCRs”), the preparation for the appropriate implementation of the newly revised audit manual and audit procedures, 02 the lack of detailed
prioritize and provide necessary support for the financial reporting preparation process as well as to strengthen capacities of individuals who are directly responsible for the financial reporting preparation
be submitted to the Office. Preparation of the balance sheet and the profit and loss account for the first six months of the financial year in accordance with the first paragraph and the publication in
reference. Notification of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission No. Sor Jor. 9/2559 Re: Rules and Procedures for Preparation of Factsheet __________________________ By virtue of Paragraph 2 of